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Senior Schreiberling

  • "Dot" started this thread

Posts: 618

Date of registration: Feb 3rd 2003

Location: Ex-Europameisterland

Occupation: 4TheScience


Tuesday, February 4th 2003, 6:43pm

Klausur Calculus A

Irgendwelche Ideen um den Samstag angenehmer zu machen?? Also zu lernen wäre wohl kettenregel, produktregel, quotientenregel, taylor polynom,additionstheoreme, schwingungsüberlagerung..
jemand andere Ideen??Tips?Hilfsmittel? etc...
C:\reality.sys has errors - Reboot the universe? (Y/N)

Real programmers don't comment their code.
It was hard to write, it should be hard to understand


Senior Schreiberling

  • "Dot" started this thread

Posts: 618

Date of registration: Feb 3rd 2003

Location: Ex-Europameisterland

Occupation: 4TheScience


Wednesday, February 5th 2003, 1:18pm

Hab da was gutes gefunden, wird viel auf einfachste Weise, so wie wir es mögen, erklärt:
C:\reality.sys has errors - Reboot the universe? (Y/N)

Real programmers don't comment their code.
It was hard to write, it should be hard to understand