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Tuesday, October 27th 2015, 12:53pm

International summer school at Danish efterskole

Come to an international summer school for 1-4 weeks. July2 - July30 2016

Stay at Ranum Efterskole College and experience an amazing community with young people from all over the world.

We offer different academic levels in our all of our classes. In the
afternoon you can choose 1-2 profile subjects. Every week will begin with a team building introduction, so we will get to know each other. We will go on an excursion during the week - and each week
will finish with a party.

Summer school is a great choice if you want to experience life at an efterskole , learn something new in your holiday and make new friends from all over the world. Efterskoler are for learners between the age of
14 and 18 years, and accepts students from abroad.

Profile subjects: Sailing, SUB boards, Kayaking, Climbing, Football,
Basket, Dancing, Music, Design, Mountain Biking, Gastronomy and
Beach Volleyball.
Registration is now open.
More details: www.ranumefterskole.dk/sommerskole