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Thursday, March 30th 2017, 9:41pm

Wimi Job 50% TVL 13, auf drei Jahre, Möglichkeit zur Promotion

das SIM hat eine Stelle in einem interdisziplinären Projekt (mit dem Institut für Pflanzenschutz sowie mehreren Industriepartnern aus dem Gebiet) zu vergeben.
Ausschreibungtext unten.

Im Bereich Informatik sind 50% Stellen eher unüblich, aber so ist die Stelle auch für ungewöhnliche Lebensmodelle gut geeignet, z.b. Familie, oder evtl um mit Bachelor angestellt zu werden und währenddessen die letzten Mastersemester zu Ende mache etc.
Oder evtl kann die Stelle auch aufgestockt werden.

Am besten einfach bei mir nachfragen! :)

Viele Gruesse,
Matthias Becker

population dynamics to optimize plant protection decisions

position, 50%)

part of a joint project funded by the German Ministry of Agriculture we are
looking for a highly skilled, motivated and collaborative person with a Master
degree (or equivalent) in Biology/Ecology/Mathematics or
Agriculture/Horticulture with entomological background and strong interest in
mathematical models and population dynamics.

Aim of
the joint project is the development of a simple and user-friendly decision
support system (DSS) for biological and integrated plant protection of
arthropod pests in greenhouses. To increase the reliability of plant protection
recommendations forecasting models for arthropod pests and their natural
enemies should be developed and validated in close collaboration with the
section Simulation and Modelling at LUH (Dr. M. Becker) and Mathematical and
Statistical Methods - Biometris der Wageningen University (Dr. L. Hemerik). The
projects runs for a three years period and is expected to start in May 2017.
The possibility for a PhD is given.

specific tasks of the PhD student will be:

Literature screening and estimation of missing parameters

Development of simulation models for short term forecasting of population
development of pest arthropods and natural enemies

Evaluation of robust self learning systems, machine learning algorithms
and artificial neuronal networks

Validation of simulation results and integration in the decision support
system in close collaboration with project team members

The successful candidate will be enrolled at Leibniz University
Hannover (http://www.uni-hannover.de). He/she will work in close collaboration
with a highly motivated interdisciplinary research team from Leibniz
Universität Hannover, Wageningen University, Julius-Kühn Institute
Braunschweig, and several commercial companies (Katz Biotech AG, isip e.V. und iotec GmbH). For more information on SIM (https://www.sim.uni-hannover.de/)
and IPP (www.ipp.uni-hannover.de) please visit the internet.
With the
reservation of granting the funding is based on 0.5 TV-L E13. Working place is
Hannover (and/or Wageningen University, Netherlands).

As an equal opportunities employer, Leibniz
Universität Hannover intends to promote women in the context of statutory
requirements. For this reason suitably qualified women are specifically invited
to apply.Equally qualified applicants with disabilities
will be given preferential treatment.

Send your application and CV, including a letter of
motivation and two references, no later than 31.03.2017 to: Institute of
Horticultural Production Systems – Sect. Phyotmedicine, Leibniz Universität
Hannover, Herrenhäuserstr. 2, D-30419 Hannover, Germany. Electronic application
is preferred.