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  • "Operator" is male
  • "Operator" started this thread

Posts: 29

Date of registration: Oct 9th 2007


Wednesday, November 14th 2018, 6:20pm

Working with Twitter Data - Streaming API, Filtering, and Preparations for Machine Learning

Dear machine learners,

the ICAML project provides you with an opportunity to participate the "Working with Twitter Data" workshop, presented by Martin Werner.

Title: Working with Twitter Data - Streaming API, Filtering, and Preparations for Machine Learning
In this interactive tutorial, you will learn how to set up a simple system to download twitter data from the API, how to work with the resulting data including spatial and textual analysis, and we give some hints on how you can proceed towards machine learning from tweets.
Please bring a laptop with you. No registration is necessary.

It consists of two parts:
- First part Thursday 22.11.18 16:00, A255, Nienburger Straße 1-4
Martin presents the needed components and gives examples
- Second part Friday 23.11.18 10:00 - 12:00, 611a, Appelstraße 9a
Martin is available to discuss your special ideas, needs, and problems.

Best Regards,
Der Mensch verbringt bis zu 30% des Lebens im Schlaf.
==>Mit Kaffe kann man die bewuste Lebenserwartung um bis zu 30% Erhöhen.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Operator" (Nov 15th 2018, 8:54am)