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  • "Operator" is male
  • "Operator" started this thread

Posts: 29

Date of registration: Oct 9th 2007


Friday, January 11th 2019, 12:23pm

Icaml - Lecture And Lab: Convolutional Neural Networks

In the context of ICAML (icaml.org/events.html ), Martin Werner will give a lecture about artificial neural networks (ANNs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in the context of point clouds. The lecture will consist of two parts:

- Theory: Mon. 21/01/2019 11:30 pm - 13:00 pm @ Gis Laboratory 609 (Appelstraße 9a)
- Practice: Fri. 25/01/2019 15:15 am - 16:00 am @ Gis Laboratory 609 (Appelstraße 9a)

In the first part the basic, as well as advanced concepts of ANNs and CNNs, are explained and their application to point clouds. In the second part of the event, we will experiment with a CNN and depth images. No prior knowledge is required, but for the practical part, please bring a laptop with an internet connection or make sure you have an account for the Gis Laboratory PCs.
Der Mensch verbringt bis zu 30% des Lebens im Schlaf.
==>Mit Kaffe kann man die bewuste Lebenserwartung um bis zu 30% Erhöhen.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Operator" (Jan 11th 2019, 12:23pm)