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Posts: 29

Date of registration: Oct 9th 2007


Monday, May 20th 2019, 12:37pm

Lecture: Getting started with analysis approaches of sediment samples and their utilization for the improvement of high-resolution morphodynamic simulation models

Getting started with analysis approaches of sediment samples and their utilization for the improvement of high-resolution morphodynamic simulation models

A sediment sample typically contains information about the distribution of grain sizes, as well as other parameters. While more recent surface sediment samples are typically analyzed by methods of sieving, older and especially sub surface samples are usually depicted in linguistic descriptions. For further analysis, these linguistic terms need to be transformed into a mathematical construct, a cumulative function to be able to safely interpolate between the samples. These cumulative functions are basis for a consistent and spatially continuous three dimensional model of the German Bight. As opposed to a geological model for exploration purposes, this 3D model will be used as a way to derive sedimentological and stratigraphical information in any resolution and classification format as both base and validation data for numerical morphodynamic simulation models. As of now, numerical models seldomly are able to integrate external stratigraphic data. The KFKI joint project “Stratigraphic model components for the improvement of high-resolution and regionalized morphodynamic simulation models” (SMMS) aims to generate the 3D model to enable the extraction of data in any required format to improve numerical model systems in coastal engineering applications.
10:00 23.05.2019 GIS Laboratory (Room: 609), Appelstraße 9a, 30167 Hannover

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