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Segelnder Alter Hase

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Posts: 3,827

Date of registration: Oct 1st 2002

Location: Region Hannover

Occupation: Alumni


Tuesday, April 18th 2006, 10:07am

M.Sc. anderswo


Liebe Mitglieder der Fachschaft Informatik,

seit einiger Zeit bietet die Unversitaet Groningen (NL)
englischsprachige Master-Studiengaenge an den Fachbereichen
Informatik bzw. Kuenstliche Intelligenz an.

Erste Informationen darueber finden Sie z.B. unter


Ich wende mich an Sie, weil wir unsere Masterprogramme gerne einem
groesseren Kreis deutscher Studenten bekannt machen moechten.
Wir wuerden Ihnen z.B. gerne Informationsmaterial zur Weitergabe an
interessierte Studenten zuschicken. Falls dies gewuenscht wird,
teilen Sie mir doch bitte kurz Ihre Postanschrift und evtl. die
gewuenschte Anzahl an Faltblaettern/Broschueren mit.

Falls Sie eine Fachschaftszeitung oder Aehnliches herausgeben,
waeren wir sehr daran interessier,t eine Anzeige darin zu schalten.
Koennten Sie mir ggf. ein Angebot/Preisliste zukommen lassen?

Ich wuerde mich sehr freuen, von Ihnen zu hoeren.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Michael Biehl


Michael Biehl
Tenure Track Assistant Professor
Computing Science / Intelligent Systems
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Mathematics and Computing Science
Blauwborgje 3
9747 AC Groningen
The Netherlands

e-mail m.biehl ( A T ) rug.nl
web www.cs.rug.nl/~biehl




University of Luxemburg


The Master of Science in Information & Computer Sciences (MICS) is geared towards the mastering of state-of-the-art and emerging technologies and prepares for research in specific domains. It emphasizes the importance of a long-term perspective and recognizes the need for solid theoretical foundations to pave the way for lifelong learning.

The mission of the University of Luxembourg (UL) is to be a research- driven university providing a high quality education at graduate level reflecting the local research strengths. The Master in Information & Computer Sciences mixes computer science, an area which already counts extensive research activities in Luxembourg, with interdisciplinary perspectives, e.g. towards biology, telecommunication and security/risk management.

In a world characterized by an increasing competition for minds, Luxembourg needs well-educated specialists able to deal with the 21st century challenges in information technology. Of particular interest are those areas relevant for the local finance and media industry, for the large European administrations, as well as those reinforcing existing research strengths within the university.


MICS is a two-years study where 120 ECts must be achieved.

* In the first semester, all students start the studies with the
same Core Courses. The Core Courses are intended to complete and
deepen the knowledge in major areas of Computer Science. By the end of the first semester the student chooses a specialization.

* In the second semester, mostly mandatory Focused Core Courses will give the necessary background for a further specialization.

* In the third semester, the student continues by choosing modules for the specialization.

* In the fourth semester, the study is completed through a Master Thesis. The student demonstrates his ability to conduct independent research under guidance of a faculty member.

The Master of Information and Computer Sciences (MICS) is sucessfully evaluated by an international commission.

MICS enables the student to continue the studies on PhD level or alternatively move to industry as an highly-qualified IT specialist.


* Advanced Software Systems

* Bioinformatics

* Communicative Systems

* Intelligent and Adaptive Systems

* Security and Trust

Why studying in Luxembourg?

* Multidisciplinary nature

* Strong theoretical foundations combined with practically relevant specializations

* Team of dynamic professors with international background

* No tuition fees

* Scholarships available

* English classes taught in multilingual environment

Luxembourg's present day cosmopolitan atmosphere enjoys a long tradition. Situated at the confluence of Romanic and German cultures, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has always borrowed from both without ever losing its own identity.

To live in Luxembourg is to live to the rhythm of a European capital and yet to be but a few minutes away from a landscape of sweeping forests, splendid views and many historical sites. Luxembourg is famous well beyond its borders for its natural beauty. It is also within easy driving distance of major European cities.


Application Period for Non-EU students: April 1, 2006 - June 28, 2006
Application Period for EU students: April 1, 2006 - September 1, 2006

The decision about the acceptance will be done two rounds (first week in july and september).

For further information please visit: http://mics.uni.lu/ and/or contact

SEVE – Student Service Center

University of Luxembourg – 162a avenue de la Faiencerie - L- 1511 Luxembourg, LUXEMBOURG
Email: seve-info (AT) uni.lu
Es gibt nur eine bessere Sache als auf dem Wasser zu sein: Noch mehr auf dem Wasser sein.