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Turner, Serveradmin & Workaholic

  • "Warui" is male
  • "Warui" started this thread

Posts: 717

Date of registration: Apr 25th 2006

Location: Südstadt

Occupation: (iter (B.Sc. Inf, 8)) \n (be-a-slave ("SRA", "Bachelor Thesis")) \n (be-a-programmer-slave ("Freelancer", "Programming"))


Monday, September 8th 2008, 10:23am

Klausurankündigung Stochastik A


Denen, die sich hinwagen, viel Erfolg!
Warui has attached the following file:
  • klankuend.pdf (20.16 kB - 323 times downloaded - latest: Today, 3:05pm)
Erwachsenwerden? Ich mach ja viel Scheiß mit, aber nicht jeden!